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                                                          Choices Not Chances...



It is our hope that how many ever years that have past has brought about a change of heart for the witnesses or persons involved. With time, people change, grow and mature. Ethics and values change. Some people experience a life altering event that changes the way they perceive things. It could be religion, having a child of their own or even losing a loved one in a similar way. Situations change... Friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Sometimes the weight of the burden of carrying such a heavy secret becomes too much to bare. 

I encourage you - Whoever you are - where ever you are... If you happen to read this article... Reflect for a while on what you have been holding onto for so long... Consider this one thought...

You can be free of this burden, Right Now, Today -- Simply by releasing what you have been holding onto for so long. You don't have to do it alone and you don't have to reveal who you are. Drop an email, write a letter, make a private blocked call if you'd like. 

                                   Are You Brave Enough To Take A Stand?

Why Are We Here?





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