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         The Man Who Moved The Mountain Did So One Rock At A Time...




                                                            What We Do:


Unsolved Syracuse represents the more than 80 missing persons and unsolved homicides that occurred in our local area. These cases mostly concern minorities - whether it be the color of their skin, the socio-economic status, mental illness or some other form of disability. These are the cases that get less than 1/8 the media coverage of non minority groups.

What We Do: 

*Scour the web for the newest cases of missing persons and unsolved homicides.

*Regularly update information about any current cases on the site.

*Add new cases as they come in - with a full profile and attached tip sheet.

*Highlight each case at least 2 times a year. Cases will be featured on our Facebook news feed on the anniversary of the missing persons report being filed, The date of the homicide as well as the victim's birthday - except when, by chance the victim's date of report or homicide as well as their birthday falls on the same day. In those very rare cases, the case will only be highlighted once a year. Currently we have one case that falls under this rare circumstance... Darnell McMullen.

*Keep our community informed with our quarterly newsletter - which features missing and unsolved cases as well as other related topics.

*Respond to email messages, texts and other types of requests we are sent to us.

*Notify the victim's family that their case will be featured and set up Facebook Highlight Features into Facebook news feeds. We also assist families with updating the profiles of victims that have been re-victimized by the media or law officials.

*Forward any anonymous tips that we receive without revealing the source or identity of the individual. 

*Vigil announcements- When a family or organization contacts us, we will post their listing on this site as well as on the Face Book news feed. 

*Assume responsibility for being a voice for the voiceless and a helping hand to the community as well.

*We are still actively working toward expanding our reach within the community, we will continue to work with businesses in specific areas where each crime occurred to post case profile posters for individual unsolved cases to increase their visibility.

* Sponsor a new addition to unsolved - Life Skills - in order to promote positive growth in our community as a whole. 

* Generate and send in case tips to the SPD.

* Write letters on behalf of the family when a person has been convicted but the body is still missing, asking for information or assistance. 

*Send sympathy cards or packages to families of the victims when we have funding to do so.

* Keep you up to date on shots fired reports that would otherwise be hidden.

* Help families of the victims' individually with generating new information.

* Regularly update Facebook, twitter and pinterest accounts to increase our reach and impact.

* Show up everyday @ 5:30 a.m. to begin working a case, while preforming random check ins and constant updates, then working into the evening or later to work on cases and search for information that could assist in solving these crimes. 

* Take pride in the level of dedication and work it takes to run Unsolved Syracuse.


Additional Services:


An Angel's Wing... 

For now - I will be sending an angel's wing along with a grief information package to the victim's loved ones for new unsolved homicides and missing persons' cases. It is our hope that the gift and written material will help them on their personal healing journey. Sometimes it is the little things that make the greatest impacts. 


Coming Soon...

Warm Hearts...


Unsolved Syracuse's main focus is homicide victims and missing persons' and advocating for the loved ones of the victims. Recently I made a decision to start a program and make it available for the victims' families. We are working on funding for this program and an announcement will be made once we are financially able to do so...


The program would be called "Warm Hearts" and it involves delivering a sympathy gable box to the homicide victims' family. The gable box would contain:

Gift Box...

* An 8 piece soul soothing tea selection

* Beautiful glass jar of honey

* Natural crystalized lemon packets

* Ghirardelli dark chocolate selections

* Lipton cup o soup

* A laminated sympathy poem with loved ones image for their wallet

* Booklet - information, grief help, tips for self soothing, where to seek help if needed victims' assistance info

* A note pad journal and keepsake pen


Why Do This?


When a sudden and unexpected death occurs, it can really break the spirit. While all death takes a major toll, a death by homicide is the ultimate cruelty...

Words are left unsaid and amends are left undealt with. Worst of all, you have to swallow the gory details of the murder itself...


After all of that, top it off with our cause:

No justice for the victim's family. All the unanswered questions, the bitter silence of the absent loved one coupled with a silent scream of injustice constantly ringing in their ears. The financial stress of the unforseen event...


Grief from homicide is devastating... I know all too well. 

Tools are needed to help cope with the pain. The contents of the gable box won't take away the pain but I can tell you what it will do...


It will let the family know they have our support. That there are people out there that care about the journey they have been forced to face. The Unsolved Syracuse Community cares about their pain. That we have not forgotten their loved ones and we will fight for them. 


Anything Else?


Yes, of course! There's always something else...


* Herbal tea, honey, soup and dark chocolate all have healing properties and offer healing and comfort to the soul. ( we make these things available for our loved ones when they are sick in body, mind or spirit, no coincidence.)

* A laminated keepsake is something they can keep in their wallet and pull out when they are in desperate need of comfort, strength or hope. 


* People are able to cope better when they have support


* Grief information provides helpful tools to keep them on the right track. 

* Journaling can be a healthy part of self soothing and the healing process in general. 

* Knowing someone cares can make all the difference in the world.


If all of this makes sense to you, please support the cause, it is amazing what a little kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness can do. I would like to start this project by June 2015.


This program will be made available for the loved ones of homicide victims, missing persons over a set time period with exceptions for suicide victims' families as well. There of course would be guidelines for eligibility as well. 


Why Are We Here?





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